Valérie Blandeau

Valérie Blandeau is head of Pinsent Masons’ Employment team in Paris. She is specialised in all contentious and non-contentious aspects of French employment law and has extensive experience with the legislation surrounding working time and restructuring. She provides pragmatic data analysis for her clients, notably to optimise costs and predict budgets where issues arise regarding working time, variable remuneration, social security charges, mass redundancies or negotiated departures.
She collaborates with the firm’s other teams on corporate transactions, where she can assist the parties on employment law issues potentially arising as the result of the project. Valérie is very often involved in negotiation of management packages alongside our corporate teams. She has also developed extensive expertise around internal investigations concerning working place relationship issues such as harassment (moral and /or sexual).
Valérie is an active member of AVOSIAL, which is a professional employment lawyers association; she is regularly involved in consultation processes with governmental bodies such as the French Ministry of Labour. This involvement allows her team, and ultimately her clients, to have a very accurate and updated view of legislation in perpetual motion.