Fully Booked

The UK Employment Lawyers Association, known as ‘ELA’, welcomes participants arriving early for EELA’s London Conference to join ELA members for drinks in the City on Wednesday, 11 June 2025.

ELA is hosting this private event at the Old Bank of England (a pub), 194 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2LT from 6.00pm to 9.00pm.

This event is free and will include a wide range of non-alcoholic/alcoholic drinks and food. It will be a great opportunity for ELA and EELA members to meet informally before the start of the EELA Conference. We will be making use of the rear courtyard; the red London double decker bus and the indoor options if the British weather disappoints us.

The event is only open to ELA members and EELA Conference participants who have registered to attend this event in advance (numbers are limited). EELA members should book via the conference website along with their conference booking.

There is no firm dress code, smart casual or business attire are both fine.

(Both EELA and ELA members are also welcome to book the City tour organised by EELA for Wednesday, 11 June 2025, and ending in time for drinks at the Bank of England see ‘Tours’.)

ELA is looking forward to welcoming you at our EELA and ELA drinks. ELA is committed to ensuring that its staff work in an environment which is free from harassment, sexual harassment and bullying. We also have a legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of our staff. We apply the same principles to all events hosted by ELA and require all attendees at our events to conduct themselves accordingly. We will take appropriate action in respect of any conduct which falls short of these expectations.