Beryl ter Haar

Beryl ter Haar is UW Professor and Head of the Centre for International and European Labour Law Studies (CIELLS) at the University of Warsaw, Poland, and Endowed Professor European and Comparative Labour Law at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. She holds a PhD degree from Leiden University.
Ter Haar has coordinated (advanced) master programmes on international and European Labour Law (Amsterdam and Leiden). Her research focuses on new developments in international and European labour law, including forms of new governance and transnational private regulation as well as the changing world of work.
With Janice Bellace, ter Haar is editor of the Research Handbook on Labour, Business and Human Rights Law (EE 2019) and together with Attila Kun she is the editor of the book EU Collective Labour Law (EE 2021).
Furthermore, her research is published in various Dutch and international journals. Ter Haar is co-holder of the 2011 Marco Biagi Award and she holds the 2013 Levenbach-price for best international publication in labour law written by a Dutch scholar. She was a participant at the prestigious Standford/Harvard Faculty Forum (2010).
She is co-initiator of the popular Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition.