David Remedios

David Remedios has been Head of Consultancy at ECA International since 2007. Having worked in the field of international assignment management for over 25 years, he has extensive experience of working with major multinational organisations developing, implementing and evaluating global mobility policies and procedures in and out of developed and emerging markets. David also gained three years’ consultancy experience with some of Europe’s leading companies in his role as Expatriate Compensation and Benefits Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
As well as reviewing and developing international compensation and benefits strategies for client companies, David also advises on the administration and delivery of international pay, and helps HR to evaluate their current mobility processes and systems to identify areas of improvements in cost, process and compliance, which can lead to more cost-effective global mobility programmes.
David regularly presents at conferences and events on various aspects of international assignment management as well as leads ECA’s International HR Practitioner training courses.