Dear Members,

We would like to invite you to join us in Brussels next 22 November for our annual EELA/ERA seminar on EU Labour Law.

This event will be an ideal opportunity to get an update on the most current topics of European labour law such as:

  • The platform work Directive
  • Recent CJEU case law on labour law matters
  • Data protection issues in Whistleblowing
  • Religious freedom at the workplace

We are looking forward to welcoming the following speakers and experts:

  • Vigjilenca Abazi, Assistant Professor of European Law, Maastricht University
  • Marine Charpentier, Legal Director, Uber, Paris
  • Kari Gimmingsrud, Partner, Haavind, Oslo
  • Burkard Göpfert, Partner, KLIEMT. Arbeitsrecht, Munich
  • Thomas Granetzny, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Düsseldorf
  • Luca Ratti, Associate Professor in European and Comparative Labour Law, University of Luxembourg
  • Georges Ravarani, Former Judge at the European Court of Humar Rights, Strasburg
  • Natalie Videbæk Munkholm, Associate professor, Aarhus University

A networking dinner will take place the evening before the seminar on 21 November.

You will find further information here. The event is planned as an in-person event only.

We are looking forward to seeing you in-person in Brussels!

Constantin Bakopoulos, EELA Board Member for Greece
Pierre Elvinger, EELA Board Member for Luxembourg
Leyre Maiso Fontecha, ERA Deputy Head of Section
Sten Foyn, EELA Board Member for Norway